RYA Tactics has gone to the printers!
As Douglas Adams said: “I love deadlines: I love the swooshing noise they make as they fly past”.
Well we have finally finished the third edition and it is on its way to the printers.
There are several new chapters: “Be your own Whether-man” (thank you Norton Juster) discusses the drivers behind the weather, and how you might use a forecast plus your real time observations to narrow down the strategic priorities. There is a new chapter on Tactics and Strategy at Speed, and I have completely rewritten the section on Positioning as a Strategy. Over the last couple of years we have found a new enthusiasm for club racing: I’ve expanded the sections on mixed fleet racing , downwind starts, and starboard hand roundings as a result.
All the diagrams and many of the photos have been updated: overall I’m confident that if you enjoyed the book first time, there will be enough new material to keep you entertained in the third edition. We are hoping to get a small number of copies in time for Christmas 2019: if you’d like to get on the waiting list for a personally signed copy please visit the shop here.
A heartfelt thanks to everyone who has help me to get the show back on the road, especially Liz, Pete Galvin, Anthony Lovell, and Hannah Mills.