Mark Rushall – My obsession with Racing Rules!
It is my belief that to be forewarned is forearmed, so I’m continually trying to improve my racing rules expertise. Unless you know the racing rules inside out, you can’t work out how to push to your limits and make the most of any situation.
I have developed my knowledge of the Racing Rules of Sailing to become a dependable contact for professional sailors. As a four times winner of BUSA, the British Universities Team Racing championship, I developed a practical working understanding of the sailing rules early on. This has served me well throughout my sailing career.
I am one of the lead coaches for rules expertise for the British Sailing Team. Readers of Yachts and Yachting may be familiar with my regular articles that break down rules situations and explaining the potential outcomes. My books and videos focus on providing clear explanations of some of the most complex rules.
I am a member of the RYA Racing Rules Committee, which meets monthly to rule on hearings and protests which have gone to appeal.
Why Rushall Sailing?
I set up Rushall Sailing in 2002 to provide top level coaching and racing advice.
Whether you’re looking for one-to-one or group training, a book, article or self help DVD, Rushall Sailing has proven we can make a huge impact on race performance.
Racing rules – the history
Read about the full background to the modern day racing rules of sailing.